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* COVID-19 *


Studio is open for clients who wish to print or learn new skills.


We provide sterilizing gel and use masks during workshops.

You can also bring your own gel and your own mask.


Do not come if you feel ill or sick.


Studio is open only by appointment. Please call 0452215100.





Rita Vargas

Affection Adrift, 10.–28.7.2021

Galleria Becker


Affection Adrift is an art exhibition which represents Vargas’s ability to reconcile her Portuguese roots with Finnish cultural identity. Vargas has been living and working in Finland (Jyväskylä) for 11 years and moved to Helsinki in 2019 to found an atelier, Vargas Print Studio.


In her artistic practice, Vargas combines art history, memories from a post-colonial family and her impressions from the passage through European and Asian countries. Her living and travelling experiences influenced her aesthetic choices, bringing to the exhibition a collection of prints that reflect Vargas’s thoughts and reflections about absence, motherhood, family, travel, boundaries, belonging.


 “With Affection Adrift I try to silently bring a loud sensation of not being able to belong to a place, at the same time that familiarity is present. Perhaps it just came to tell that we are all one in the end. There is no you and me, there is not they and us, there is we. We all go through the same feelings, whether it is loneliness, or passion, whether it is sadness or anger, frustration or despair, solitude or overwhelming. It is through this fragile line that Affection Adrift tries to bring to the closest audience the need to rethink boundaries.”


Vargas’s Affection Adrift’s art exhibition will be open from 8th until 28th of July, at Galleria Becker, Jyväskylä Artists’ Association, Seminaarinkatu 28,


For more information, please visit the Artist's Association from Jyväskylä, Galleria Becker:



Kuvataiteilija Rita Vargasin Affection Adrift on toinen yksityisnäyttely 11 vuoden sisällä Galleria Beckerissä.


Affection Adrift on taidenäyttely, joka esittelee Vargasin kykyä sovittaa yhteen hänen portugalilaiset juurensa suomalaisen kulttuuri-identiteetin kautta. Vargas on asunut ja työskennellyt Suomessa (Jyväskylässä) yksitoista vuotta. Hän muutti Helsinkiin vuonna 2019 löydettyään ateljeen, Vargas Print Studion. Taiteellisessa tuotannossa Vargas yhdistelee taidehistoriaa, muistoja ja saamiaan vaikutteita matkoiltaan Euroopassa ja Aasiassa. Elämän ja matkustamisen tuomat kokemukset ovat vaikuttaneet hänen esteettisiin valintoihinsa, joita on nähtävillä näyttelyyn valituissa teoksissa. Teoksista heijastuu Vargasin ajatuksia poissaolosta, äitiydestä, perheestä, matkustamisesta, rajoista ja kuulumisesta.


“With Affection Adrift I try to silently bring a loud sensation of not being able to belong to a place, at the same time that familiarity is present. Perhaps it just came to tell that we are all one in the end. There is no you and me, there is not they and us, there is we. We all go through the same feelings, whether it is loneliness, or passion, whether it is sadness or anger, frustration or despair, solitude or overwhelming. It is through this fragile line that Affection Adrift tries to bring to the closest audience the need to rethink boundaries.”


Vargasin näyttely, Affection Adrift, on avoinna 10.–28.7.2021 Galleria Beckerissä, Jyväskylän Taiteilijaseura, Seminaarinkatu 28, 40100 Jyväskylä. Galleria on avoinna tiistaista perjantaihin klo 12–17, lauantaisin klo 12–15 ja sunnuntaisin klo 12–16.


Galleria Becker: 040 824 3031 * * Avoinna ti–pe 12–17, la 12–15, su 12–16


Bookings open in February 2025.


Key holders can use the facilities.


Send email to rita.vargas(a) to reserve a time slot.

If you wish to work on a fine art on paper project, please make sure you read the price list before sending email.


Preferences are made for individual artistic projects and for professional artists only.


Website updates are rarely done, due to the limited human resources and time constraints. Apologies for the inconvenience.


Thank you for the understanding!


No events at the moment

Art Fair Suomi


We are happy to announce that Vargas Print Studio is part of the

Art Fair Suomi Goes Galleries Festival this year again!


10. 11.6. AFS invites you to visit the studio and participate in a printing workshop in Vallila, save the date!

Like libraries, galleries are free, shared living rooms for the citizens of the cities. Art
Fair Suomi invites the public to e
njoy art in the gallery spaces of the festival, which
will be held on June 6-18, 2023, across Finland. Never before has Art Fair Finland spread across the e
ntire country, as it will do this summer!


In total, there are 28 participating galleries from 12 locations.

The AFS 2023 weeks will raise awareness among the general public about Finland's versatile gallery activities and visual arts offerings. During the festival, the artists can be seen and heard. Galleries, together with artists, bring art into everyday life. Now it's time to open the gallery and studio doors!

In addition to the exhibitions, the weeks offer the public an excellent opportunity to
get to know the artists' work and the themes of the exhibitions through discussions
and artist meetings. Performances,
workshops, concerts and other festival-related programs are organised on the premises. An audio production, dispersed at various locations, provides insights into works and spaces, revealing new insights and perspectives.

The festival highlights the galleries and art communities that are an integral part of and contribute to the domestic visual art scene. It gathers people to see what is happening in the visual arts field right now in Finland. The spectrum of festival organisers is extensive, and includes private galleries, artists' association galleries, and artist-led project spaces. The galleries offer vibrant and experimental visual art productions and highlight artists at different stages of their artistic careers.

The festival will have a joint opening event on June 6, 2023.

All exhibitions and events of the festival are free to enter with exception to our workshop, which needs a participation fee to cover the material costs.
More i
nformation on the AFS23 website:



Forum Box
Galleria G, The Association of Finnish Printmakers
Galleria Halmetoja
Photographic gallery Hippolyte, Association of Photographic Artists
Galleria Huuto
Galleria Katariina, Helsinki Artists' Association
HAA Galleria, Helsinki Artists' Association
Galleria Kuvitus
Galleria Pirkko-Liisa Topelius
Galleria Sculptor, The Association of Finnish Sculptors
MUU Helsinki Contemporary Art Centre, Artists' Association MUU
Art Block - Taidekortteli
Tischenko Gallery
tm-galleria, Finnish Painters' Union

Vargas Print Studio

HYVINKÄÄ: Promenadigalleria, Hyvinkään taiteilijaseura
JOENSUU: Taidekeskus Ahjo, Joensuun taiteilijaseura
JÄRVENPÄÄ: Taidetalo, Järvenpää Art Society
JYVÄSKYLÄ: Galleria Becker, Jyväskylän taiteilijaseura
KORPILAHTI: Höyry-galleria
KOUVOLA: KOUTA-galleria, Kouvolan taiteilijaseura
KUOPIO: Galleria Ars Libera and GalleriA
LAPPEENRANTA: Art Centre East, The
Artists' Association of South Karelia and The Finnish Jewellery Art Association
RIIHIMÄKI: Galleria Tärinä, Riihimäen kuvataiteilijat
SEINÄJOKI: Art Rental Shop Parsi, Seinäjoki Artists' Association and Varikkogalleria
TAMPERE: Galleria Rajatila


Since 2005, the Art Fair Suomi contemporary art festival has been organised by the Artists Association MUU and the Association of Photographic Artists. From 2020, other national member organisations of visual artists have participated: the Finnish Sculptors' Association, The Association of Finnish Printmakers, the Finnish Painters' Union, and the Union of Finnish Art Associations.

Additional information and interview requests:
Annika Dahlsten, AFS23 coordinator, 040 517 1750,
Henna Harri, executive director, Association of Photographic Artists, 040 591 0770,
Timo Soppela, executive director, the Artists Association MUU,


Vargas Print Studio on Teosvälityksen 2022 mukana!


TEOS 2022 Suvilahden Kattilahallissa 23.9.–2.10.

Suomen Kuvanveistäjäliiton ja Suomen Taidegraafikoiden
vuosittainen teosvälitys avaa ovensa
Suvilahden Kattilahallissa perjantaina 23.9. klo 11.

Taiteen ostaminen TEOS 2022 -tapahtumassa on vaivaton,
hauska ja hyvällä tavalla jännittävä kokemus. Esillä on yli tuhat teosta noin 270 ammattikuvataiteilijalta. Ostamansa teoksen saa heti mukaan.

Teoksia voi ostaa myös osamaksulla.

Tapahtumalla on myös verkkokauppa, joka aukeaa perjantaina 23.9.2022.
Ostoja voi tehdä vielä tapahtuman päätyttyä 31.10. asti.
Teoksiin pääsee tutustumaan verkossa ennakkoon 16.9. alkaen.

Tervetuloa tekemään uniikkeja taidelöytöjä!


TEOS 2022
Kattilahalli, Suvilahti
Sörnäisten rantatie 22, 00540 Helsinki

Avoinna: ma-su 11–18
Vapaa pääsy



Suomen Taidegraafikot ry
+358 50 362 2091,
Näyttelykoordinaattori Petra Hollmérus, +358 50 433 1441



Rita Vargas

Affection Adrift, 10.–28.7.2021

Galleria Becker


Affection Adrift is an art exhibition which represents Vargas’s ability to reconcile her Portuguese roots with Finnish cultural identity. Vargas has been living and working in Finland (Jyväskylä) for 11 years and moved to Helsinki in 2019 to found an atelier, Vargas Print Studio.


In her artistic practice, Vargas combines art history, memories from a post-colonial family and her impressions from the passage through European and Asian countries. Her living and travelling experiences influenced her aesthetic choices, bringing to the exhibition a collection of prints that reflect Vargas’s thoughts and reflections about absence, motherhood, family, travel, boundaries, belonging.


 “With Affection Adrift I try to silently bring a loud sensation of not being able to belong to a place, at the same time that familiarity is present. Perhaps it just came to tell that we are all one in the end. There is no you and me, there is not they and us, there is we. We all go through the same feelings, whether it is loneliness, or passion, whether it is sadness or anger, frustration or despair, solitude or overwhelming. It is through this fragile line that Affection Adrift tries to bring to the closest audience the need to rethink boundaries.”


Vargas’s Affection Adrift’s art exhibition will be open from 8th until 28th of July, at Galleria Becker, Jyväskylä Artists’ Association, Seminaarinkatu 28,


For more information, please visit the Artist's Association from Jyväskylä, Galleria Becker:



Kuvataiteilija Rita Vargasin Affection Adrift on toinen yksityisnäyttely 11 vuoden sisällä Galleria Beckerissä.


Affection Adrift on taidenäyttely, joka esittelee Vargasin kykyä sovittaa yhteen hänen portugalilaiset juurensa suomalaisen kulttuuri-identiteetin kautta. Vargas on asunut ja työskennellyt Suomessa (Jyväskylässä) yksitoista vuotta. Hän muutti Helsinkiin vuonna 2019 löydettyään ateljeen, Vargas Print Studion. Taiteellisessa tuotannossa Vargas yhdistelee taidehistoriaa, muistoja ja saamiaan vaikutteita matkoiltaan Euroopassa ja Aasiassa. Elämän ja matkustamisen tuomat kokemukset ovat vaikuttaneet hänen esteettisiin valintoihinsa, joita on nähtävillä näyttelyyn valituissa teoksissa. Teoksista heijastuu Vargasin ajatuksia poissaolosta, äitiydestä, perheestä, matkustamisesta, rajoista ja kuulumisesta.


“With Affection Adrift I try to silently bring a loud sensation of not being able to belong to a place, at the same time that familiarity is present. Perhaps it just came to tell that we are all one in the end. There is no you and me, there is not they and us, there is we. We all go through the same feelings, whether it is loneliness, or passion, whether it is sadness or anger, frustration or despair, solitude or overwhelming. It is through this fragile line that Affection Adrift tries to bring to the closest audience the need to rethink boundaries.”


Vargasin näyttely, Affection Adrift, on avoinna 10.–28.7.2021 Galleria Beckerissä, Jyväskylän Taiteilijaseura, Seminaarinkatu 28, 40100 Jyväskylä. Galleria on avoinna tiistaista perjantaihin klo 12–17, lauantaisin klo 12–15 ja sunnuntaisin klo 12–16.


Galleria Becker: 040 824 3031 * * Avoinna ti–pe 12–17, la 12–15, su 12–16


Guest Artist 2021
Egle Oddo

Egle has been working at the studio with her recent project "Performative Habitats". In Egle's artwork, there is a sensitivity connected with the origins of life. Questionning its beginnings, Egle dives deep into the initial shapes of a plant, a seed, a colour, a scent. In a trans-disciplinary research, Egle brings alive visions in ways never seen before at the studio. For that we are grateful to be part of her unique force of Nature, born out of an natural expressive artist, performer, researcher, curious and beautiful mind. As mentioned by the latest articles published in Zagreb GMK Gallery, Egle's body of work is focused "on plant seeds seen as elements asserting their way through the relations inter-species and vital balances regulating the biosphere."


The series developed at the studio have been showned at Zagreb GMK Gallery in November and December 2020. In Italy, the prints will belong to the collection of the Botanical Garden of Rome.   




Egle Oddo has completed a MA in Painting from the Fine Arts Academy of Palermo, Italy. Since 2005 the artist lives and works in Finland. Egle is a board member of Myymälä Gallery.


© 2023 by Vargas Print Studio

Ouluntie 3, 00550 Helsinki

Tel: 00358(0) 452215100


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Past Events

Helsinki Design Week


The event was part of Helsinki Design Week’s programme. Founded in 2005, Helsinki Design Week is the largest design festival in the Nordic countries. Held annually in September, the multidisciplinary festival presents design from a number of fields including fashion, architecture and urban culture. The festival dates are 5–15 September 2019. Helsinki Design Week is produced by the design service agency Luovi Productions Ltd. 

HDW logo PNG_color_RGB.png

Finally after almost a year of negotiations, changes, construction, repairs, recycling, planning, reflections, calculations and risks, VARGAS PRINT STUDIO officially opens its doors to the public. Everything is ready in order to start another dream, another step in a new city with new people and new beginnings. Many steps still lay ahead, but little by little everything will start to get shape...with your support, your smile.

Friday 23rd of August_6 - 8 pm_._._Verni
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© 2025 by Vargas Print Studio

Ouluntie 3, 00550 Helsinki


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